Prayers for Moms

  • The Serenity Prayer


    grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

    the courage to change the things I can

    and the wisdom to know the difference.


  • A Single Parent's Prayer

    Lord, grant me

    Time enough to do all the chores, join in the games, help wit the lessons, and say the night prayers and still have a few moments left over for me…

    Energy enough to be bread-baker ad breadwinner, knee-patcher and peacemaker, ballplayer and bill juggler…

    Hands enough to wipe away the tears, to reach out when I am needed, to hug and to hold, to tickle and touch…

    Heart Enough to share and to care, to listen and to understand, and to make a loving home for my family.

    In Jesus name, Amen.

  • Don't Quit

    When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road I am trudging seems all uphill,

    When the funds are low and the debts are high, and I want to smile, but I have to sigh,

    When care is pressing me down a bit, I wll rest but I will not quit.

    Life is strange with its twists and turns, as everyone of us eventually learns.

    And many a failure turns about, if she might have won had she stuck it out.

    I will not give up though the pace seems slow, I may succeed if I stay and show.

    Success is failure turned inside out-The silver tit of the clouds of doubt.

    And you can never tell how close you are are, because it may be near when it seems so far.

    I will stick to the fight when I am hardest hit, It’s when things are the worst that I must not quit.

    In Jesus name, Amen.

  • Family Prayer

    God made us a family.

    We need one another. We love one another.

    We forgive one another. We work together.

    We play together. We worship together.

    Together we learn God’s Word.

    Together we grow in Christ. Together we love all people.

    Together we serve our God. Together we hope for Heaven.

    These are our hopes.

    Helps us obtain them, Father, through Jesus your Son, Our Lord.
